Windows Installer Kb893803 V2 X64 X86 5,7/10 6104 reviews

Sep 2, 2005 - The Microsoft® Windows® Installer is an application installation and configuration service. WindowsInstaller-KB893803-x86.exe is the.

Windows installer kb893803 v2 x64 x86 10

I know this thread is old but here's a working example:!macro CHECK_MSI_VERSION GetDllVersion '$SYSDIR msi.dll' $R0 $R1 IntOp $R2 $R0 >> 16 IntOp $R2 $R2 & 0x0000FFFF; $R2 now contains major version IntOp $R3 $R0 & 0x0000FFFF; $R3 now contains minor version IntOp $R4 $R1 >> 16 IntOp $R4 $R4 & 0x0000FFFF; $R4 now contains release IntOp $R5 $R1 & 0x0000FFFF; $R5 now contains build StrCpy $0 '$R2.$R3.$R4.$R5'; $0 now contains string like '' MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION MB_OK 'The version is: $R2.$R3.$R4.$R5'!macroend. What should I be aware of for 64-bit versions for the checker? Specifically, the Sytem32 folder. On x64 platforms, if a 32bit application reads from the system folder (i.e. $SYSDIR), it gets redirected to a different folder named SysWOW64 (Windows(32) On Windows64). So if you need to target the 64bit version of the windows installer for that part, then you will have to disable filesystem redirection (Windows XP) or read from the SysNative folder (Vista, 7) instead. Have a search through the forums - this pops up a few times.

Specifically, the Sytem32 folder. Bitovaya On x64 platforms, if a 32bit application reads from the system folder (i.e.

$SYSDIR), it gets redirected to a different folder named SysWOW64 (Windows(32) On Windows64). Biologia cellulare e molecolare karp pdf file. So if you need to target the 64bit version of the windows installer for that part, then you will have to disable filesystem redirection (Windows XP) or read from the SysNative folder (Vista, 7) instead. I apologise but this part I am still unclear with. I understand the different sys dirs (like program dirs), but isnt the global variable determine the correct path at runtime? Essentially if the user doesnt have msi installer, or an older version than 3.1 I like for it to be installed. Other wise if the version is equal to or newer than the minimum it should do nothing and go on.