Su Podium V2 Free Download Sketchup 6,1/10 4000 reviews

You can make beautiful, photo-realistic renderings of your SketchUp model without the pain and frustration of learning a complex program. SU Podium runs completely inside SketchUp from start to finish. It uses SketchUp features to achieve impressive results.

Download SU Podium for SketchUp here SU SU Podium V2.5.x Free Trial Download Scroll down for SU 8/2013 versions. SU Podium; Free.

SU Podium is intuitive to SketchUp users. Plus, its simple interface cuts the learning curve to minutes instead of months. You and your clients can visualize your design as it may appear in real lif e.

Don't let the simplicity and low price of SU Po dium mislead you. SU Podium has one of the highest qu ality photon mapping/ ra ytracing and Global illumination engines on the market today. SU Podium is used by over 40,000 customers and on the market since 2008. Get visual information of specifics such as: How does SU Podium work? How do you make photo-realistic materials?

What kind of lights does SU Podium create? What is the Podium Browser content? This link will direct you to the SU Plugins trial version login page. All that is needed is an e-mail address and your name to login.

Read through comprehensive documentation, tutorials and where to get support.

SU Podium V2.5 Plus is a photo-realistic rendering plug-in for SketchUp. SU Podium will turn your SketchUp model into a photo-real image.

SU Podium V2.5 Plus employs advanced rendering technology but sticks to its original intention of making photo-realistic rendering for SketchUp an easy and rewarding task. The user interface is simple and does not require advanced knowledge of rendering techniques. SU Podium uses ray tracing and global illumination to create photo-realistic images. Although the user does not have to be aware of what technology is being used, it's important to note that you can obtain high quality images with realistic reflection and lights, quickly. SU Podium uses multi-threading of your CPU so much of the rendering process will use all your processors (Dual/ Quad/ Eight).

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What is SU Podium V2.5 Plus? • V2.5 Plus's major new feature is the result of months of R&D to employ a C++ method of processing scenes which make the overall Podium processing scenes in SketchUp up to ten times faster. In larger models, you will notice even more speed gains. What is processing scenes and why should I care?

• V2.5 Plus solves many of the texture mapping distortion in a rendered image such as distorted textures on flipped components. Also, it is able to process.tif files and has much fewer 'unknown symbol' messages.

Also, the problems with materials that has names like 'h' or 'm' are gone. • V2.5 Plus has a better Tools, Analyse method, helping you to quickly identify problems. • PIE has a new DOF feature • Section Tools has been included in the SketchUp 2015 version. • All other SU Podium V2 Plus features are retained.