Otto Magic Blocks Game Free Download 8,2/10 3494 reviews

May 7, 2009 - Just a few I found.. Thinking you wanted to download or buy the game Home this helps. Or go to GOOGLE and enter otto's magic blocks.

World Premiere: Some gameplay and world records are showcased for the game Otto's Magic Blocks. Some Players here have dethroned the recent Otto Champion 'BozVader'. There is also footage here of the infinite lives gaining power-up, a rare item that only starts to appear after a score of 1.000.000 Stay tuned for help and tips on defeating Guardians. The game contains only 100 levels.

The evil Storm King FrixFrax has destroyed Otto's peaceful kingdom, and taken the blocks of the castle as his own, scattering them across the sky and binding them with magic. Otto must traverse the stolen blocks and return them to the kingdom by reclaiming them from the binding spells. FrixFrax has sent his minions to stop Otto, and they wait around every corner to prevent his progress.

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Reclaim all the blocks, and restore your kingdom!