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Prairie Dog Language? Prairie Dog Language?
Millett and Reprinted from (19 May 2005). ©2005 by John P. All rights Reserved. 2.1 2.2 2.3 3. Prairie dogs use a sophisticated vocabulary in their warning barks, which againraises the question of whether mankind alone communicates by audible language. The ability to formulate and use language has long been considered to be a key differentiatingcharacteristic that distinguishes man from animals. Although that argument has been used bycreationists to counter evolutionary theories, the entire conjecture may be without scripturalfoundation.
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That is, the scriptures do not tell us that animals don't communicate, and there are indications that they might have sufficient intelligence to do so (Gen. 3:1, 7:9, Num. Do animals really communicate to each other with the variety of sounds they can produce? Gunnison's Prairie Dog on guard.As part of a twenty year study of prairie dogs, researchers led by, a NorthernArizona University biology professor, have now been able to analyze linguistic characteristics oftheir warning calls that appear to qualify as a limited language. Prairie dogs have the ability touse nouns and modifiers, and even coin new 'words.' Their barks clearly distinguish betweendogs and coyotes, and can include sounds for concepts such as size and color.
Perhaps the mostmysterious aspect is that widely separated colonies immediately create identical new barks todescribe totally new concepts, such as a 'black oval.' Mankind cannot even do that, so how canthese observations be explained? Tcpmp for palm download. Is Language Unique to Man? Black-tailed Prairie Dog stretches to see predator.As Christian writers have defended the Biblical view of the creation by intelligent design instead ofby evolution, the miracle of language that seems to distinguish humans from animals has beenconsidered to be a key argument.
For example, they refer to 'Language, that unique facultypossessed by man alone.' And again, 'One element, which is characteristic of and indispensableto all human language is missing [from primates]; we find no signs which have an objectivereference or meaning.' As discoveries have been made of animals displaying some language-like behaviors, such as sign language that can be taught to chimpanzees and baboons, and other indications of language for dolphins, sea lions and parrots, the anti-creationists gleefully claim that creationism is disproved and there is no need for an Intelligent Designer to fashion the universe. They believe that the laws of the universe, driven only by random chance and survival by natural selection, are sufficient to create all that is. Latter-day saints, however, believe that although God did not make the animals 'in His ownimage, nor endow them with God-like reason and intelligence', he did endow them with a degreeof divine intelligence and they will enjoy 'eternal felicity' in the resurrection (D&C 77:3). Weauthors would not be surprised if Balaam's donkey really were allowed to say 'What have I done untothee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?' (Numbers 22:28).