Get Hard Drive Serial Number Delphi
Get Hard Drive Serial Number Delphi 9,8/10 5410 reviews
Quote wrote: >you can not >this is coming from the production Well, BasePt is actually speaking of the Volume serial, not the HD serial, as he mentions GetVolumeInformation. The actual HD serial comes from production -but it seems it cn be changed!
Jul 20, 2000 Delphi 5. How can I get an unique number for a specific PC, for example HDD Serial Number or Motherboard serial number?
At least, I've seen a product that claims to do it. Cannot remember it's name, but it was mentioned in a Spanish Delphi newsgroup, so a google search might find it. The HD serial is stored in some reserved part of the disk, and that program would know how to get to it. Manuel Algora