Ebook Kedokteran Gratis Pdf
Elektronik Journal Kedokteran Indonesia (eJKI) is a peer-reviewed and open access journal that prioritize the publication manuscript of students (medical.
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Atlas of Human Anatomy, 3rd Edition Summary:The ultimate anatomy atlas for medical study, clinical reference and patient education. Updated, with 932 of Netter's accurate, clear illustrations plus 24 Netter-style drawings rendered by Carlos A.G. Grant's Dissector Author: Tank Patrick W. Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 13th edition Year: 2005 Pages: 219 ISBN: Part 1 = part 2 = Atlas of Human Skeletal Anatomy Author: Peter Tye Publisher: Dalen Year: 2007-07-01 Pages: 68 Fundamental Anatomy Author: Walter Hartwig Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Year: 2007-02-01 Pages: 304 ISBN: Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Medicine & Surgery Summary:Not since it first published in 1858 has Gray’s Anatomy introduced so much innovation to the world of anatomical references. A team of renowned clinicians, anatomists, and basic scientists have radically transformed this classic resource to incorporate all of the newest anatomical knowledge reorganized it by body region to parallel clinical practic and added many new surface anatomy, radiologic anatomy, and microanatomy images to complement the exquisite artwork that the book is known for. Although there are now many books called 'Gray's Anatomy,' only this 39th Edition carries on the true lineage of the original text.
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And, only this 39th Edition delivers so much pragmatic, clinically indispensable information. The result is, once again, the world's definitive source on human anatomy. Human Anatomy Coloring Book ATLAS OF HUMAN SKELETAL ANATOMY By Juraj Artner made in accepted planetary latin nomenclature. Free for educational purposes.
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