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This brochure samples helps you to market yourself in a professional way. Spa Resorts Brochure Examples These examples of brochures are for those offering services such as beauty spa and medical spa. If you are the best spa resorts then you need this professional business brochures to attract customers or to inform them.

Brochure Design Specification• • Fully Editable. Layered brochure template • • 300DPI brochure design • • Red & Pink (2 Indesign Templates – Recto/Verso) • • Brochure Format = A4 (8.2×11.6 inch) • • And 0.125 inch bleeds on all four sides • • Print Design Don’t forget to Rate my Design after your have purchased it please If you need any help customising the template for you, let me know. Fonts Used: Droid Serif and Droid Sans • • You can get the pictures here: Links to pictures are in the HELPFILE. Free printable brochure templates from Brother Creative Center.

Create and print brochures to give your business a winning, professional image. Office templates & themes.

Flyers Planners and Trackers Newsletters Themes Brochures Papers and Reports. Thousands of templates to jump start.